Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bring 'em Young

Bring 'Em Young. It's the name of a series of Anabolic porn films I enjoyed a long time ago that focused on men with girls just over the age of eighteen. But it's also a good way to describe the majority of my client base.

I think it's becoming known that I don't discriminate based on looks when it comes to clients. I couldn't care less if I was working with someone who looked like a Hollywood celebrity or someone who...well, didn't look like a Hollywood celebrity. My main concern is cleanliness, upkeep, hygiene, things like that. Not looks. Especially not in men. I am always impressed by a motivated cocksucker. But, I digress...

I started in this business in October of last year when I ran an ad on craigslist under the name Hired Hand. I did it on a whim after I resigned from a corporate job in capital medical equipment sales. It took off. Now I'm doing it full-time.  At thirty five-years old, I left the comforts of corporate America to try my hand at escorting. Best thing I ever did, by the way.

Most of my clients are gay men, aged upward from about 21 years old. I'm writing to report that the majority of the clients I service have not only been very easy to look at, but been between the ages of (I'd guess) 21-39, more on the lower end, less on the higher. Of course some of my best clients range in ages above that. What I'm blogging here about is, I'm a hit with the kids. They tell me I'm the perfect younger daddy.. Younger being, not young, but just younger than the Older or Real Daddys. There are significant differences to consider here. But moving on...

Looking over the online reviews that have been posted about me, I noticed that most of them were written by first-timers, younger guys who took their first stab at hiring an escort by hiring me. I seem to appeal the the guys who just want dad to shake things up a bit for them. Put 'em in their places. I live to do this. It's what keeps me insane. Nothing better than 21 year old college boys throwing themselves at me after much ado about nothing over numerous telephone calls, adam4adam messages back and forth and of course, the sweet-talking they give me to convince me to include a college discount in my rate to which I oblige, naturally.

Keep 'em coming. Bring 'em in all ages. But also, bring 'em young.